Kula has a Rich HistoryNOTE:
If you have any historical Kula information (including stories, family photos, road scenes, or buildings) that could be included on this website, please contact: Dick Mayer phone 283-4376 or email: dickmayer (at) earthlink.net |
Kula Sanatorium (now Kula Hospital)
Kula Elementary School Waiakoa Village Keokea Village King Kekaulike High School Kula's Catholic Community St. John's Church, Keokea Kula Maps Haleakala National Park Other Related Content An excellent book with many fine historical Kula photos: Jill Engledow, Exploring Historic Upcountry Haleakala Ranch Kaonoulu Ranch Ulupalakua Ranch |
Our Vision
The vision of the Kula community Association is to preserve open space, support agriculture, maintain a rural residential atmosphere, and to work together as a community. The specific purpose of this association is to improve the quality of life for the residents of Kula, to promote civic welfare and generally to benefit the community of Kula. |
Kula Community Association
P.O. Box 417 Kula, Maui, Hawaii 96790 Webmaster: Chuck Carletta Please use "Contact Us" form to send your message. Photo Credit: Dawn Jernaill, St. John's Church photo in headers. |