Understanding some of the significant changes that are taking place on Maui will be the subject of our Kula Community Association’s meeting at 7pm this Wednesday, February 15 at the Kula Community Center. Beginning at 6:30pm the usual great refreshments will be available.
The Kula Community Association has asked Maui Mayor Alan Arakawa to discuss a number of issues that will be of interest to residents:
- a) potential control and uses of the East Maui Irrigation System which is the water source for much of the upcountry area;
- b) county plans to purchase the West Maui (Na Wai Eha) Water System;
- c) the status of the long-delayed Maui Island “Water Use and Development Plan”; and
- d) the status of the required update of Maui Island’s six community plans which the Mayor several months ago asked to be put on hold.
Upcountry’s new Councilmember Yuki Lei Sugimura will discuss the priority issues on which she will be focused at the Maui County Council.
Planner Jen Maydan from the Long-Range Division of the Maui Planning Department will update plans to amend our old community plans. An important component will be getting resident input that will be respected by the County Council when the Council finally adopts our community plans.
All members of the Upcountry community are welcome at this community meeting. Phone 283-4376 for information.